Our hotel is located in the west of the village centre:
Coming to Ischgl, stay on the bypass road (Silvrettastraße) and don't turn left into the village. Stay on the road and go towards Galtür. At the end of the bypass road is our **** VERWALL.
Coming from Germany:
In summer you can also take the Silvretta-Hochalpenstraße (closed from November - May)
Coming from Italy:
Coming from Switzerland:
Automobile Clubs
ÖAMTC - Austria | ADAC - Germany | ACI - Italy | ACS - Switzerland
Train until Landeck.
Then take the post bus to Ischgl. The bus comes around every 1 - 2 hours.
Alternative: the Ischgl "Alpentaxi": from Landeck to Ischgl (ca. 30 km)
Train Schedule ÖBB | Train Schedule DB | Train Schedule SBB
Airport Munich: ca. 260 km
Airport Zurich: ca. 240 km
Airport Innsbruck: ca. 100 km
Airlines: AUA or Lufthansa
Take the train to Landeck - then take the post bus or a taxi.
We are happy to organize a shuttle bus for arrival and departure at a special price.